ADAM RUDOLPH’s Sonic Mandala

New York City, NY, USA

THE STONE@The New School Glass Box Theater

8:30 PM

Honored to play with this new project by Adam Rudolph, including a group of rhythm's masterminds as part of THE STONE RESIDENCIES

Adam Rudolph (hand drumset—kongos, djembe, tarija; gongs, tam tams, cup gongs, cymbals, slit drums, thumb pianos, multiphonic vocal, percussion, electronic processing)

Marco Cappelli (guitars)
Alexis Marcelo (electronic keyboards, sound design)
Damon Banks (electric bass, electronics)
Rogerio Boccato (percussion)
Tripp Dudley (percussion)
Harris Eisenstadt (bata, percussion)
James Dellatacoma (electronic sound processing)

Venue Details

55 West 13th street
New York City, NY